Who We Are

We Make Great Things Happen
We want to be your digital superhero. We love what we do, we do what we love, and are here to help your company evolve. We are a full-service Software and Web Development company. As well as an IT Support and Managed Services Provider (MSP).
Founded in 1990, Kinetik IT has progressed to what we are today, a collaborative team with 1 goal in mind: Evolve to become the best version of ourselves. Creativity + Fun are the elements that drive us to excel in all that we do.
Success does not come overnight. You matter! Powered by passion, we are thankful for the opportunity to make great things happen for you.
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are... for what you can become. We must become the change we want to see.
~ Mahatma Ghandi

Give The World The Best You Have
Kinetik IT cares about making a difference in our community and our environment. We want to help change the world, one client at a time.
Our way is through donating a percentage of our gross revenue to causes our staff and clients are passionate about. We donate to charity organizations, eco-friendly projects and eco-supporting organizations. Our clients can choose from any of the organizations listed on this page, or provide us with others, which will then be added. The percentage that Kinetik IT allocates for donation will vary from year to year.
Green Is Where The Heart Is
Kinetik IT strives to be environmentally responsible by working with our staff to create a paperless work environment. Recycling and controlling our waste, energy and water usage are ways for us to contribute to a better tomorrow: Reduce, reuse and recycle.
Did You Know? Environmental Impacts:
- »The average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year
- »The United States alone, which has less than 5% of the world's population, consumes 30% of the world's paper
- »The United States alone uses 21% of the world's supply of surface fresh water
Live It Forward
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Simplifying our lifestyle sets us free and serves as an example to others that simple is good and therefore life is good, leaving room to help those who help others, and to help those who cannot help themselves.
To do more for the world than the world does for you - That is Success

Compassionate About Animals
Kinetik IT is helping to carry the message of compassion for all animals, including farmed animals. Our mission includes supporting organizations that assist in the prevention of animal abuse and cruelty, as well as the reduction of suffering of farmed animals.
Did you know? The vast majority of meat, milk, and eggs in America comes from factory farms, which hardly resemble bucolic family farms many Americans envision their food comes from. Instead, they are part of 'agribusiness,' where animals are mass produced for the slaughter house. And in the agribusiness, financial profitability takes priority over treating animals humanely.
– U.S. Congressman Jim Moran (VA), 5/20/03.
To learn more, click on the following links:
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Humane Farming Association (HFA): Leading the campaign against factory farming and slaughterhouse abuses
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Farm Sanctuary: Rescue. Education. Advocacy
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Food Animal Concern Trust (FACT): Improving The Welfare of Farm Animals
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Vegan Outreach: Working to End Cruelty to Animals
Find a Charity You Can Trust
Did you know?
Early May 2009, the Arizona Republic published a substantial article about charity organizations and the abuse of funds by certain charity organizations. Impressive detective work and journalism at its best. If you are interested, please visit this website that is extremely helpful and worth checking out: www.charitynavigator.org. We have frequently used this website in determining which charities are the most efficient in using donated funds for their intended purposes.